Blog #3.25 Argan Orchard Visit with ANDZOA

Argan tree orchard at INRA site (photo by Isabella Guzaldo)

The argan tree is central to the ecological and cultural landscape of Morocco, where it thrives across diverse climates and terrains. Recognizing the importance of protecting this unique biosphere, the Moroccan government established the National Agency for the Development of Oasis Zones and the Argan Biosphere Reserve (ANDZOA) in 2010. This organization is responsible for managing and preserving the argan ecosystem, ensuring its status as a UNESCO biosphere reserve is maintained through regular renewals. Initially, there was limited support for these efforts, but ANDZOA has since become a pivotal force in fostering sustainable development and environmental protection in the region.

Argan tree sapling at INRA site (photo by Isabella Guzaldo)

Argan saplings in INRA greenhouse (photo by Isabella Guzaldo)

Traditionally, people have balanced their needs with the tree through a complex system of management practices passed down through generations. These practices integrate agroforestry and pastoralism, creating a sustainable model that preserves both heritage and local knowledge. This "school of complexity" demonstrates the harmonious integration of people and environment, with the tree serving as a living testament to this balance. However, there has been a shift in upcoming generations becoming more economic-centered and individualistic which can throw off this balance. Balancing economic interests with environmental preservation remains a challenge. Efforts to expand the argan ecosystem, such as planting on degraded lands, reflect the ongoing battle between economic productivity and ecological health. The Moroccan government, with the support of international partners, continues to work towards sustainable development goals, ensuring that the argan tree remains a symbol of resilience and harmony for future generations.

INRA orchard site (photo by Isabella Guzaldo)

The argan tree's remarkable adaptability allows it to thrive in various conditions, from coastal areas to arid inland zones. Its ability to enter dormancy during droughts and efficiently use water showcases its resilience. ANDZOA's efforts focus on improving socio-economic conditions while stimulating dynamic activities around the biosphere. By coordinating development projects, they aim to combat rural exodus and support local communities. The DARED (Développement de l’Arganiculture en Environnement Dégradé) project aims to expand the argan ecosystem by planting on degraded lands and utilizing innovative water management techniques like rainwater harvesting basins. These efforts emphasize the complexity and diversity of the argan biosphere, balancing ecological preservation with socio-economic development to support local communities and ensure the tree's enduring legacy.

Herbs planted in between argan trees for a shorter term source of income (photo by Isabella Guzaldo)

-By Isabella Guzaldo, USF undergraduate student in Environmental Engineering


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