Blog #3.24 Cats of Essaouira

Cat with drums

Cats of Essaouira: A Feline Haven by the Atlantic

Essaouira, a coastal gem on Morocco's Atlantic shore, is not just renowned for its picturesque medina, bustling souks, and historical fortifications. The city is also a sanctuary for one of its most charming inhabitants: cats. Strolling through the narrow alleyways of Essaouira, one can't help but notice the abundance of these feline residents, who have become an integral part of the city's character and daily life.

Historical Companions

Cats have long held a special place in Moroccan culture, dating back to ancient times. Revered for their ability to keep pests at bay, cats were welcomed in homes, mosques, and marketplaces. This tradition persists in Essaouira, where cats are seen lounging in sunlit courtyards, weaving through the legs of vendors in the souks, and perching atop the city's distinctive blue doors.

Cats in shop

 A Day in the Life

A typical day for a cat in Essaouira begins with the soft glow of dawn. As the city awakens, cats can be found nestled in cozy nooks or stretching out in the early morning sun. Fishermen returning from the sea bring in fresh catches, and the cats eagerly await scraps and treats. The fish market, with its vibrant array of seafood, is a particularly popular spot for these opportunistic hunters.

Cat in fishing port of Essaouira

As the day progresses, the cats of Essaouira meander through the medina, exploring its labyrinthine streets and alleys. They are friendly and often approach locals and tourists alike, seeking attention and the occasional morsel of food. Many shopkeepers have adopted these cats, considering them both companions and good luck charms.

Cat on carpets

Community Care

The people of Essaouira have a deep affection for their feline friends. It's common to see locals setting out bowls of water and food for the city's cats. Some even take it upon themselves to provide medical care, ensuring that the cats are healthy and well-fed. This sense of communal responsibility creates a harmonious coexistence between humans and animals.

Cat drinking from pottery

Local organizations and volunteers have also stepped in to support the welfare of Essaouira's cats. These groups work tirelessly to provide veterinary care, spay and neuter programs, and awareness campaigns about responsible pet ownership. Their efforts help maintain the cat population and ensure a better quality of life for these beloved creatures.

Cats as Cultural Icons

Cats in Essaouira are more than just pets; they are cultural icons. They add to the city's charm and mystique, often becoming the subjects of photographs and stories shared by visitors from around the world. For many, the sight of a cat lazily basking in the sun against a backdrop of whitewashed walls and blue shutters encapsulates the laid-back, serene atmosphere that Essaouira is famous for.

Cat on baskets

 As someone who has worked with animals and holds a deep love for them, especially cats, I see these feline residents as more than just charming street dwellers. They are companions and angels in their own right, each with a unique soul deserving of care and respect. Just like humans, they communicate in their own language, and it's our responsibility to stand up for them, ensuring their well-being and happiness. Essaouira's cats, with their serene presence and gentle demeanor, remind us of the profound connection we share with all living beings.

-By Ezzouhra Bajouk, Moroccan Speaking Partner


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