Blog #3.16 Exploring Marrakech: A Weekend Adventure

After bidding farewell to Taroudant, our group embarked on divergent paths: while some returned to Agadir, the rest of us chose the allure of Marrakech, filled with rich experiences and new challenges.

The Journey Begins: The drive to Marrakech was an adventure in itself, spanning four hours through the dusky Moroccan landscape. Departing on Friday night, July 5th, we braced ourselves for the unknown, mindful of cautionary tales shared by our instructors and speaking partners about assertive vendors and dubious taxi practices.

Arriving late at night, Marrakech greeted us with a labyrinth of alleyways and winding streets that confounded GPS systems for the entire weekend. Yet, the city revealed itself in the glow of its bustling nighttime markets and tantalizing dinner options, setting the stage for our exploration.

Jardin Majorelle in the “ville nouvelle” of Marrakech

Day One - Discovering Marrakech: Under the guidance of Dr. Deubel, our first destination was the iconic Jardin Majorelle, celebrating its centennial from 1924 to 2024. This oasis of botanical beauty also housed the Pierre Bergé Museum of Berber Arts, where we marveled at intricate clothing and jewelry (albeit without photography permitted). For fashion enthusiasts, a combined ticket offered access to the Musée Yves Saint Laurent.

In the afternoon, we dove into the vibrant chaos of the souks behind the Jemaa el-Fnaa square, a sprawling market maze. Vendors here were more spirited than those in Agadir and Taroudant, providing an ideal arena for honing our bargaining skills. As dusk painted the sky over the medina, we captured breathtaking views from a terrace and indulged in Lebanese delicacies before retiring to our Airbnb.

View of Jema’a El Fna square in Marrakech (photo by Nicolette Lecy)

Day Two - Leisurely Farewells: Our final day began at a leisurely pace, savoring coffee at a nearby café before exploring local landmarks and enjoying a relaxed lunch. As afternoon approached, thoughts turned homeward, and we headed on our return journey to Agadir that Sunday night.

Marrakech proved an exhilarating juxtaposition of ancient allure and modern dynamism. Navigating its intricacies challenged us, yet every corner offered a new adventure, from historic gardens to bustling souks. Through it all, we forged memories and friendships, overcoming initial apprehensions to embrace the city’s vibrant spirit. As we left its lively streets behind, we carried with us not just souvenirs but a newfound appreciation for Morocco’s kaleidoscopic charm.

-By Nicolette Lecy, PhD candidate in Interdisciplinary Humanities at UC-Merced

Koutoubia Mosque in Marrakech


Blog #3.17 Argan Machinery Shop Visit


Blog #3.15 Discovering Taroudant