Blog #3.1 Meet James Robbins

James Robbins, Ethnographic team and SCLA consultant in 2024

Bio: James Robbins is pursuing a Ph.D. in Applied Medical Anthropology and Graduate Certificate in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at the University of South Florida. His research focuses on language access in US medical institutions and the experiences of Spanish-speaking Latina/o/e/x/Hispanic individuals seeking reproductive healthcare. He is especially interested in access to preventative services including birth control technologies and abortive care. James holds Bachelor's degrees in Psychology, Sociology, and Economics, a Graduate Certificate in Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies, and a Master's degree in Anthropology from UNC Charlotte. His previous research centered on the experiences of frontline COVID-19 nurses, gender, and neoliberal healthcare regimes and has been published. He is currently an instructor at both UNC Charlotte and USF and serves as President of the Anthropology GSO. He enjoys gardening and cooking, teaches violin and piano in a home studio, and performs in the USF Orchestra as a violinist.

Research team in 2024: Ethnographic team and consultant to Social Life Cycle Assessment team

Pre-departure thoughts: This will be my first time crossing the Atlantic - I'm ecstatic for this opportunity. It will not only grant me the experience of doing ethnographic fieldwork, but will provide a chance to work with our speaking partners and gain insight into the interpretive process - a key aspect of my own dissertation project. I'm also looking forward to the food and music! I have been diligently studying Moroccan Darija and refreshing my French to prepare for the coming trip. The ethnographic team has pulled together a great deal of literature to prepare for this venture - I've learned so much already.

In the coming weeks, I hope to become somewhat conversational in Darija, read more of the literature, and incorporate some of what I've learned into the courses I'm teaching over the summer! I'm anxious to get on the plane to Morocco and start this journey.


Blog #3.2 Meet Nicolette Lecy


Blog #2.20 Argan Artist’s Workshop in Essaouira